Héctor Bravo Zúñiga


Héctor Bravo Zúñiga was born in Valparaíso, Chile, in 1977. He attended law school and now dedicates himself to his professional endeavors and his passion for music and storytelling. His initial literary creation, Criticón, debuted in 2011. Ten years later, he unveiled his novel entitled Unknown Chronicle of New Swabia. He has produced four studio albums, all within the last seven years.


Unknown Chronicle of New Swabia

Historical fiction is set in Antarctica, exploring the intriguing possibility that a group of Nazi scientists survived World War II by taking refuge in the underground base that inspired the novel's title.


It is a collection of articles and essays where the author, with a sharp, provocative, and passionate tone, reflects on various topics characteristic of contemporary civilization.

Published Albums

© Héctor Bravo Zúñiga, 2024. Santiago de Chile. Sitio desarrollado por Estrofas del Sur SpA